Communication between staff, students and caregivers is of great importance and benefit to the success and wellbeing of students. Two important parts of this communication are : The reporting of a student’s academic progress periodically and An opportunity to meet and discuss an individual's progress at an interview.
Reception – Year 12
Children and students throughout the College will receive two written reports per year – one at the end of each Semester. These reports provide caregivers with some detailed information on academic and personal progress and allow teachers to give short comments on attitude and achievements.
Years 7-10
In addition to the two written reports at the end of each Semester, students in these year levels are supported with an Early Warning Sign system. This is managed by the class teachers and school leaders and prompts letters home to caregivers when assessment goals are in danger of not being met. Action is then negotiated between all parties to bring the student in line with the required outcomes.
Year 11 & 12 – SACE Stage 1 and 2
In addition to the two written reports at the end of each Semester, all SACE students will receive a Running Report at the end of Term 1 & 3. This report is a ‘tick the box’ format and gives a general overview of a student’s status.
An opportunities are offered for caregivers to participate in Parent/Teacher Interviews. These interviews provide a valuable opportunity for teachers and caregivers to meet face to face and commence a dialogue which will serve each party throughout the school year.
Parents/caregivers of students Years R to 7are asked to attend interviews in Term 1 and 3. Families will receive a letter detailing the date and times available. Interview appointments are for 15 minutes and can be made with staff at the Front Office.
For parents/caregivers of students Years 8 to 12 a letter is sent home in the lead up to the interview date, giving information about how to make the appointment time online. Usually interviews are offered in week 2 of Term 2. Our office staff will be more than happy to undertake this process on your behalf if you are unable to access the online tool – just call on 8261 2733.
Of course there may be circumstances which arise in which you would like to discuss your concerns with staff. You are most welcome to contact the College at any time on 8261 2733 and we will facilitate contact with your child’s teacher/s.